Cool (and some strange...) pictures I've drawn over the years

This post was started at 5:11 central time on October 6th.  It probably is coming out later than then.  Why? Because It took me absolutely forever to either scan all my pictures, save them on a file, and put them in the post, OR to take a picture of them with my phone, send them to my gmail, and upload to the computer, and put in.  Well, I ended up doing option 2, so sorry if the lighting and quality of the photo is ratched.  Yes I say ratched.  Don't judge.

Well onto the post.... So here are some pictures I've drawn over the years.  Some are pretty good, some are really strange, and some are just bad....  But here are some of the best of them.


So I drew this one while tailgating at a football game.  Me and my sister just went and found a really cool spot and drew for an hour.

So the story behind this one, is that this girl here has been mutated into this weird part mermish creature. Her top has become her torso, her shorts have become her waistline, her legs and parts of her hands have become her tail, her hand only has 2 fingers and is emitting some type of weird bumps of pollen.  To top it all she is just standing there looking at what she has become with the saddest expression ever. I honestly feel bad for her. Its not unusual for me to feel the characters emotions im drawing, but this one... Fear leads to Hate, Hate, leads to suffering...
#Yoda quotes
Well, the materials in this one were.. Oh gosh I forgot the brand.. But colored pencils, and Copic alcohol markers.

The Really Cheesy and Weird ShuffleCatBlogs picture.

Well, this is what I drew for an online allius.  I am kinda freaked out now that I see it.  It is kinda bad..... But whatever! Show the good ones and the bad ones.
I just always imagine myself with cat ears.  ; )
I used just copics for this. And a few sparkle pens.

Herimine, the seaweed nymph.

This is the second in the chibis of the ocean series I am doing.  The first, I am also putting in this post.  So her backstory is that she is cursed to guard and protect the seaweed of the ocean, and she hates it.  She does not want to be in this position at all, and she is sad about it.
(why the sad drawings Shuffle?)
I just used copics for this one.


So I drew this when a friend came over.  My sister drew Olaf, and my friend drew Elsa.
Well, if you haven't seen frozen and don't know anna's backstory... Then I am shocked.
I used copics, an artists pen, and some sparkle pens.

Sailor Moon....

Oh gosh.... I really could've put more shading into this... And her face.... I probably should've done something a bit different instead of the face shape and eyes I did.. But whatever.  Anyway, this is the famed and cheesy sailor moon, from season 1 of the sailor moon franchise.
More Copics...

The Letter Girl

Well, I sketched this while looking at a cool picture online. I thought, why not draw something that kinda looks like it?  Well, this is it.  I didn't really make a backstory for her...
Just a plain pencil...


Sorry, I just love pokemon! (AND NOT BECAUSE OF POKEMON GO!)
Charmander is my favorite starter of them all, While my favorite normal pokemon is Glaceon.
Anyway, I drew him with an orange pencil, and that kinda messed up on his torso, because I couldn't erase it...
Copics and a plain artists Orange colored pencil.

Well, thats all for this post! I hope you guys like my drawings, and if they stink, please.... Just dont make them sound the worst in the world!  Also, If your a pretty good artist, please do give me some tips! I would love some!

Quote: GO!:

"Just because you look different than them, or act differently than them, doesn't make you worse than them."
-Philesia (The girl in my "Mutations" drawing)


  1. Anna looks amazing! I have a hard time putting that much detail into drawings.

  2. Thank you! Anna took way longer than the other ones because I wanted her to be extra detailed.


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